BVS-ABR WEBINAR: Young scientists session on radiobiology
This is an online event
Due to the actual COVID-19 situation, this event will be broadcasted online !!
13:30h Welcome (BVS-ABR)
13:40h New insights into the low dose effects of ionizing radiation (Michel Bourguignon, University Paris Saclay)
14:00h Biomarkers of radiation sensitivity in cancer cells (Auchi Inalegwu, SCK CEN - UAntwerpen)
14:20h A novel S/G2-micronucleus assay for the detection of radiosensitivity in PID patients (Evi Duthoo - UGent)
14:40h Biomedical countermeasures to increase radiation resistance of astronauts (Bjorn Baselet - SCK CEN)
15:10h Coffee
15:40 Gold nanoparticles for cancer radiosensitization (Noami Daems, SCK CEN - UNamur)
16:00 Proton therapy (Charlot Vandevoorde, iThemba, South Africa)
16:20 Neurocognitive dysfunction and signs of brain aging in response to early-life irradiation (Mieke Verslegers, SCK CEN)
16:40 Potential novel target to protect the cardiovascular system in radiotherapy patients (Raghda Ramadan, SCK CEN)
17:00 Wrap up and closing remarks (BVS-ABR)
16-10-2020 16-10-2020 Europe/Brussels BVS-ABR WEBINAR: Young scientists session on radiobiology This is an online event BVS-ABR