
To join the Belgian Society for Radiation Protection, your application must be presented by two effective members of BVS-ABR. The applications of effective and associated members are voted by absolute majority by the members during the annual General Assembly. For new prospective members: your membership should only be paid the following year after the General Assembly.

The General Assembly has set the membership fee for 2024 to:

  • 60,00 EUR for a regular member
  • 40,00 EUR for a retired member
  • 15,00 EUR for a student

Please pay the according fee to the bank account of the Belgian Society for Radiation Protection on IBAN BE79 2100 2447 1233 (BIC GEBABEBB) before February 29, 2024.  Indicate clearly the name of the involved member in the communication of the bank transfer.

Online payment of the membership fee can be done via